Photo by Joel Sartore.

Channel Darter | Percina copelandi

Status: IUCN: Least Concern

Threats: Habitat destruction, pollution, sedimentation, and urbanization.

CFI Status: Propagated at CFI from 1997-1999 to develop propagation protocols as a surrogate species for the Pearl Darter. (What do these terms mean?)

Native Range: Wide-ranging but highly localized in St. Lawrence-Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins from s. QC and VT south to n. TN; west of Mississippi River in Arkansa, Ouachita, and Red River drainages, MO, KS, AR, OK, and LA; Common in west, uncommon and declining in east.

Spawning Habitat Preferences: Late spring-spawners in shallow areas of rivers with high flow; bury eggs in substrate

Fun Fact: The Channel Darter is unique among darters, a group of fishes most known for its lack of swim bladder and tendency to hug the bottom of streams. Percina copelandi, in contrast, is often seen floating out in the middle of the water column in deeper runs.

In Partnership With: USFWS (Jackson, MS)


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