Photo by CFI

Conasauga Logperch | Percina jenkinsi

Status: IUCN: Critically Endangered; USFWS: Endangered (1985)

Threats: Agricultural practices, climate change, endemism, habitat fragmentation, pollution, and sedimentation.

CFI Status: Propagated at CFI in 2002 to develop propagation protocols; 2009-2011 to refine propagation protocols, for augmentation, reintroduction, monitoring, and genetics research; continuous monitoring from 2000-2016 and 2022-Present. (What do these terms mean?)

Native Range: Conasauga River (Alabama River system), GA, and TN.

Spawning Habitat Preferences: Spring spawners in small rivers with high flow; eggs are laid in sand and gravel substrate.

Fun Fact: The Conasauga Logperch appears to be in rapid decline, with very few individuals seen in the last several years. We are currently working to monitor more of their range to determine if this species requires more intensive conservation efforts.

In Partnership With: Cherokee National Forest Service; Tennessee Aquarium and the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; USFWS (Atlanta, GA)

Relevant Literature: Haggler et al. 2011


Common Logperch


Crystal Darter