Photo by Zach Alley
Brown Madtom | Noturus phaeus
Status: IUCN: Least Concern
Threats: Agricultural practices, deforestation, habitat destruction, impoundments, mining, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)
Native Range: Disjunct Mississippi River tributaries from Obion River, KY to sw MS, and from s AR to cen. LA; Tennessee River tributaries in sw. TN and ne MS; Gulf Slope in Sabine River and Bayou Teche drainages, LA, upper Yockanookany River, MS
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Summer spawner in riffles and runs of small rivers with sandy gravel substrate and debris and undercut banks; lay eggs on rocks or other hard surfaces
CFI Status: Reared at CFI in 2007 as an in-house interest project (What do these terms mean?)