Ouachita Madtom

Photo by CFI

Ouachita Madtom| Noturus lachneri

Status: IUCN: Endangered; USFWS: Not Listed

Threats: Agricultural practices, deforestation, mining, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)

Native Range: Upper Saline River system and Ouachita River, cen. AR

Spawning Habitat Preferences: Late spring into summer spawners in streams with low-moderate flow; lay clutches of eggs under small to medium-sized flat rocks

CFI Status: Propagated at CFI from 2006-2009 for research determining differences in breeding various species of madtoms. (What do these terms mean?)

In Partnership With: Chattahoochee National Fish Hatchery; International Paper (Mark Hughes); The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Russ Bohl)


Mountain Madtom


Piebald Madtom