Image by Joel Sartore
Saffron Shiner | Notropis rubricroceus
Status: IUCN: Least Concern
CFI Status: Propagated at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in partnership with CFI from 2022-Present for propagation protocols and research (What do these terms mean?)
The Saffron Shiner is a remarkable minnow species found in the upper Tennessee River drainage of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, as well as a few neighboring Atlantic Coast drainages. These fish thrive in small to medium-sized streams with access to clean tributaries, blending into their surroundings for much of the year. However, come spring, they transform into a spectacle of vibrant colors, visible even from great distances.
During spawning season, Saffron Shiners join massive minnow aggregations over minnow nests, a behavior characteristic of nest-associate species. In the absence of minnow nests, they adapt by spawning in gravel runs, demonstrating their resourcefulness in finding suitable habitats.
At CFI, we’re thrilled to collaborate with The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the University of Texas at San Antonio to study this species. The Saffron Shiner is being used as a surrogate in research exploring how similar fish species may respond to climate change. As a high elevation species, they are potentially more vulnerable to shifts in temperature than their low elevation counterparts, like the Highland Shiner.
This project ran from 2023-2025, with our role focused on producing fish for a study comparing high elevation and low elevation species’ adaptability to altered temperature regimes. It’s rewarding to contribute to research with such far-reaching implications for aquatic ecosystems and climate resilience.
Working with Saffron Shiners has taught us something intriguing: these fish are incredibly particular about when they spawn! Like Goldilocks, they need conditions to be “just right,” relying on day-to-night temperature swings as a cue to lay their eggs. This precision highlights their delicate relationship with their environment, making them an even more compelling species for climate research.By studying the Saffron Shiner we’re gaining valuable insights into the challenges and adaptations of freshwater species in a changing world—lessons that will help us protect biodiversity for generations to come.
Tennessee River drainage in VA, NC and TN; Santee and Savannah rivers in NC.
Native Range
Climate change and deforestation. What do these terms mean?
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Spring spawners in small-moderate streams with moderate-high flow; eggs are laid in gravel nests of other minnows such as creek chubs or in clean gravel runs if chub mounds are not present
In Partnership With: National Science Foundation, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and The University of Texas at San Antonio