Photo by CFI
Black Buffalo | Ictiobus niger
Status: IUCN: Least Concern
Threats: Habitat fragmentation and impoundments (What do these terms mean?)
Native Range: Lower Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins from MI and OH to SD and south to LA
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Early to mid-spring spawners in large creeks to large rivers with moderate to high flow; broadcast eggs over sand and gravel
CFI Status: Propagated at CFI in 2006 after collecting eggs during a spring run for larval research at St. Louis University. (What do these terms mean?)
In Partnership With: Saint Louis University (Nevan Aspinwall)
Bowfishers can also be considered a threat to this species. Bowfishing is a method of fishing that uses a type of specialized archery equipment to shoot fish, rather than hook-and-line fishing.