Roanoke Logperch | Percina rex
Status: IUCN: Vulnerable; USFWS: Endangered (1989)
Threats: Agriculture, habitat fragmentation, impoundments, pollution, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)
Native Range: Upper Roanoke, upper Dan, and upper Chowan river systems (Roanoke River drainage), VA
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Spring spawners in medium to large streams with high flow; eggs are buried in gravel substrates
CFI Status: Propagated at CFI from 2008-2011 to develop propagation protocols and for university research (TTU); 2019-Present for reintroduction (What do these terms mean?)
In Partnership With: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; Tennessee Technological University (Hayden Mattingly); USFWS (Raleigh, NC and Gloucester, VA); Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources