Photo by CFI
“Sawfin Shiner” | Notropis cf. spectrunculus
Status: Not Listed*
Threats: Habitat fragmentation, pollution, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)
Native Range: Upper Tennessee and Middle Cumberland river systems, TN
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Spring to summer spawners in small to large rivers with moderate flow; clutches of eggs are laid inside mussel shells or under rocks and in cavities
CFI Status: Propagated at CFI in 2003 as an in-house interest project after finding a cluster of eggs in the wild and wondering what species they belonged to; in 2012-2016 for propagation protocols after collecting more egg clusters. (What do these terms mean?)
*This species is not listed (and includes the common name in quotation marks) because it is not taxonomically described, but it is commonly found.
Their spawning behaviors of laying eggs inside of cavities and mussel shells is unlike any other Notropis that we know of! A lack of mussels may also be considered a threat for this species.